86% of businesses & HR leaders believe they don’t have a good leadership development path
(Source: Officevibe)
“Everything Rises and Falls Based Upon Leadership”
Only 14% of HR leaders, who are responsible for leadership development, believe their plan is good. That’s a staggering figure in the industry and it speaks directly to the concept of CULTURE. Obviously, leadership development is important and having a good strategy for empowering employees should be at the top of the list in creating an attractive culture. When employees sense their company is less than average in empowering them they start biding their time as they look for an organization where leadership development is the fabric of their culture. Poor leadership development affects every area of a company negatively.
The skinny…it is imperative to have leadership development a part of your culture value.
David Hassell, Founder and CEO of 15Five
“Our number one priority is company culture. Our whole belief is that if you get the culture right, most of the other stuff like delivering great customer service or building a long-term enduring brand will just happen naturally on its own.”
As David Hassell says, your number one priority is to get your company culture right. Leadership development must be at the top of the list for everyone in the company. They will feel valued and that they matter which in-turn creates loyalty and better-equipped knowledgeable employees. Morale will be high and positive within the work environment because of this culture emphasis. Remember the truth reality, everything rises or falls based on leadership.
1) The majority of HR departments are overwhelmed and their expertise is not leadership development. What do you need to do to bring the best leadership development into your company or organizational culture?
2) Who is the passionate “creator and protector” of your leadership culture?
If you are unsure how to answer these questions, it is time for you to give me a call. Let’s have a 30-minute chat…Free of charge…to see where we need to move your organization today!