In today’s business world, there’s a significant need for fast, easy, and online training tailored to the individual. While there are many leadership training programs available, none focus as deeply on aligning with an organization’s culture and rebuilding teams from the ground up.

I firmly believe that today’s leaders need a strong connection to culture, as this is the direction in which successful organizations are moving. A culture-driven approach not only attracts top talent but also helps retain your existing high performers.

The choice is yours—either jump on this fast-moving train or miss out. We’re here to guide you on your journey to success while strengthening your resume along the way!

Here are the programs I offer, packed with valuable content at incredibly reasonable prices:

Simple Strategic Problem Solving

We get confused when trying to problem solve vs. decision making.
This program gets anyone to the simple level they need to be to problem solve effectively.

Simple Strategic Problem Solving

Problem-solving can be a challenging task without the right tools and approach. Organizations need a defined problem-solving framework that enables leadership to guide others effectively in researching and resolving issues. Our program is designed to support both management and employees in mastering the problem-solving process.

Employers seek employees who can independently tackle challenges or work effectively within a team. The ideal employees are those who can think critically and creatively, contribute ideas and feedback, exercise sound judgment, and make well-informed decisions.

Price: $297

Stellar Customer Service

When we know how to treat our customers correctly, we can begin to treat each other the same.

Stellar Customer Service

When you think of customer loyalty, you likely think of the emotions it evokes—trust, confidence, and the feeling of being valued. Customers who receive exceptional service reward us with their loyalty, choosing to stay with us instead of exploring the competition.

Loyalty brings three key benefits to any organization: Retention, Referrals, and Reputation. These are essential for thriving in today’s competitive market. Our program equips you and your team with the tools and strategies needed to build and sustain these three “R’s” of loyalty within your organization!

Price: $297

Effective Business Writing

Putting into practice what is being taught through our organization culture, is important.
Walk-the-walk through what we say in writing.

Effective Business Writing

You can work tirelessly to change your organization’s culture and drive transformation, but one poorly crafted email or memo could undo it all.

With our effective business writing program, we’ll guide you through the essential steps to maintain and support that culture through clear and professional communication. It’s crucial to always consider your audience, stay focused on your purpose, and craft your messages with professionalism.

We’ll teach you when to send an email—and when not to—how to craft thoughtful email responses, write concise summaries, handle requests, send congratulatory messages, and convey non-controversial content effectively. Our program ensures you master the art of business writing to keep your organizational culture strong.

Price: $297

Professional Presentation Skills

Do you have Fight or Flight syndrome when speaking? Let's get rid of that now!

Professional Presentation Skills

Communication apprehension, commonly known as stage fright, is something we all experience. It’s perfectly normal to feel anxious before giving a presentation—symptoms like butterflies, dry mouth, rapid breathing, trembling, or perspiration are all part of the process.

Our program equips you with the tools and techniques to overcome these challenges and more. We offer relaxation techniques, long-term strategies, and emergency methods to manage anxiety. Additionally, we’ll teach you essential platform skills, voice and body language techniques, and how to analyze your audience effectively.

From managing the physical symptoms to perfecting the content of your speech, our program provides you with clear outlines and guidance to ensure your presentation is a success.

Price: $297

Cultural Mindset

Are you acting inside your organization as a Pro or an Amateur?

Cultural Mindset


In this program, you have the choice between two mindsets: a PRO mindset or an Amateur mindset. Professionals understand that they cannot control the actions of others—and they don’t let it affect them.

Amateurs, on the other hand, are constantly comparing themselves to others and feeling frustrated when they don’t perform better. It’s like taking a 2×4 and beating themselves up for not measuring up. This constant self-criticism can be paralyzing.

Our program is designed to help you cultivate a PRO mindset—focused, confident, and ready to succeed on your own terms.

Price: $297

Leadership For The Cultural Shift

The difference between a Manager and Leader needs to be clear in
any organization taking culture seriously!

Leadership For The Cultural Shift

One resistant member on your management team can derail the success of your new program and the cultural transformation you’re working toward. Does the leadership in your organization embody a winning business attitude? If someone isn’t fully committed to your mission or genuinely passionate about the organization, it’s time to manage them out.

Our program covers essential aspects of transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, leading for results, leadership development, and foundational leadership principles—all critical components for fostering your organization’s new culture.

Price: $297

Guiding Customer Conversations

The way you open a service conversation determines how the rest of the interaction will go!

Guiding Customer Conversations

By positioning yourself to effectively guide the customer conversation, you’ll achieve greater success in steering it where it needs to go. The key lies in asking the right questions, confirming what was said, refocusing the customer’s thoughts, and managing conflict with ease.

In our program, we’ll teach you how to present even difficult information smoothly, provide step-by-step scripts to guide conversations, and make every interaction with a customer meaningful. These skills will help you build long-lasting customer relationships and boost retention for years to come!

Price: $297

The Change Management Curve

Preparing for, managing, and reinforcing change in an organization where culture a trick!

Change Management

Every organization today encounters a constant flow of both major and minor changes. This program is designed to help you understand your personal reactions to these changes, enabling you to navigate the change process more quickly, thoroughly, and effectively.

The change management process involves a series of steps or activities that a team or project leader follows to implement change and guide individuals through transitions. This ensures the project achieves its desired outcomes and drives successful transformation across the organization.

Price: $297

Mission, Vision & Core Values Creation

It's all about the "Big Picture," how is yours being painted?

Mission, Vision, Core Values

When crafted effectively, mission, vision, and values statements become powerful tools that inspire and align your team. These statements, developed by leaders, serve as clear, concise expressions of your organization’s purpose, direction, and core principles.

By creating statements that are meaningful and reflective of your organization’s values, you can communicate your intentions clearly, motivate your team, and ensure they understand organizational objectives. This alignment helps them make consistent, everyday decisions and fosters strong buy-in for new directions.

Your team will feel a deep sense of pride in being part of an organization that stands for something and is united by a shared purpose. Let our program guide you in creating impactful statements that will drive success!

Price: $297

Creating Goals For Your Culture

Successful companies set goals. Period.
They have something to achieve, they have a purpose.

Creating Goals for Your Culture

Business owners should embrace goal setting and projections, as there is no downside to doing so. It’s also important to remember that goal setting isn’t just about revenue—it can also focus on areas like innovation, employee retention, service offerings, or any other aspect crucial to enhancing your business.

Setting clear business goals provides a structured framework that helps you assess your company’s success. Without well-defined goals, businesses are at risk of stagnation or failure. Well-crafted goals offer a detailed roadmap that guides everyone in the organization toward success.

Our program will help you get started on creating goals that drive progress and achievement for your business!

Price: $297