As healthcare supply chain professionals, we are only as good as our tools and resources we use.  Pulling and modeling data, milestone checklists, sourcing plans, RACIs, forms, trackers, organizational charts, and 

Here are the programs I offer at very reasonable pricing for the content:

Simple Strategic Problem Solving

We get confused when trying to problem solve vs. decision making.
This program gets anyone to the simple level they need to be to problem solve effectively.

Simple Strategic Problem Solving

Problem-Solving 101 is not a simple task if you don’t have the proper tools to do it. An organization needs to define some standard of problem-solving so that leadership can effectively direct others in the research and resolution of issues. Our program er have created helps not only management but employees as well through the problem-solving task.

Employers Want employees who can work through problems on their own or as an effective members of a team. Ideal employees can think critically and creatively, share thoughts and opinions, use good judgment, and make decisions.

Price: $297

Stellar Customer Service

When we know how to treat our customers correctly, we can begin to treat each other the same.

Stellar Customer Service

When you think of customer loyalty, you probably think about the feelings associated with loyalty – trust, confidence, senses of being taken care of. Customers who receive stellar customer service reward us with their loyalty. They ignore the competition and stick with us.

Loyalty brings us 3 key benefits to our organization: Retention, Referrals, and Reputation. An organization must have all of these to survive with their product or service in the competitive world. Our program teaches you and your team all of the steps you need to get these 3 “R’s” of Loyalty into your organization!

Price: $297

Effective Business Writing

Putting into practice what is being taught through our organization culture, is important.
Walk-the-walk through what we say in writing.

Effective Business Writing

I can do all that I can to change the culture and transform my organization, but one simple email or memo could ruin it all!

With our effective business writing program, we will help take you through the important steps to keep that culture alive. We must always remember our audience, we must remember our purpose, and we must make sure to construct our writings professionally. We will walk you through when you should write and email and when not to. We will walk you through the proper techniques of email answers and how to do a proper summary. We will also walk through the answering of a request, how to do a congratulatory request and a non-controversial message.

Price: $297

Professional Presentation Skills

Do you have Fight or Flight syndrome when speaking? Let's get rid of that now!

Professional Presentation Skills

Communication Apprehension is better known as stage fright – AND we all have it. Giving a presentation normally causes some anxiety in the speaker. If you have the symptoms such as butterflies, dry mouth, rapid breathing, trembling, or perspiration, it is perfectly normal!

Our program will tell you all of the techniques you need to conquer these issues and more. We have relaxation techniques, long range techniques, and emergency techniques. Our program also offers platform skills, voice and body language skills, and how to analyze your audience. From the physical aspects to the meat and potatoes, we go to what should be in the speech itself as well. We have outlines for you to follow.

Price: $297

Cultural Mindset

Are you acting inside your organization as a Pro or an Amateur?

Cultural Mindset

There are 2 different ways your mindset can go in this program. You can have a PRO mindset or an Amateur Mindset. Pros know they cannot control what others around them do. And they actually don’t even care.

An amateur, on the other hand is constantly comparing themselves to others and their performance. Then they beat themselves up about not performing better than everyone else. It’s like getting out a 2x 4 out of their garage and whacking themselves upside the head. Continually beating themselves up over not performing as well as others or not being at the same place as others.

Our program prepares you for a PRO mindset!

Price: $297

Leadership For The Cultural Shift

The difference between a Manager and Leader needs to be clear in
any organization taking culture seriously!

Leadership For The Cultural Shift

One bad apple that is not willing to get on board with the new program in your management team and the new way of living is going to destroy your changes. Does the leadership in your organization have a winning business attitude? If someone isn’t at the organization because it is their true calling or they truly and compassionately are interested in the organization, manage them out of the organization.

Our program goes over transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, leading for results, leadership formation, and leadership foundations which are all necessary for your new culture.

Price: $297

Guiding Customer Conversations

The way you open a service conversation determines how the rest of the interaction will go!

Guiding Customer Conversations

If you position yourself to guide the customer conversation, you will have more success guiding it the way you need it to drive. For instance, the types of questions you ask, confirming what was said, refocusing the customer’s thoughts, and how to handle conflict.

In our program we will teach you how not to present unwelcome information, scripts to follow step-by-step to guide the conversation in the right direction. We will show you how to make every conversation with a customer count. This will help retain customers for years to come!

Price: $297

The Change Management Curve

Preparing for, managing, and reinforcing change in an organization where culture a trick!

Change Management

Every Organization today faces a constant variety of major and minor changes. This program will help you to understand your own reactions to these changes so that you can move more quickly, completely, and effectively through the change process.

The change management process is the sequence of steps or activities that a change management team or project leader follow to apply change management to a change to drive individual transitions and ensure the project meets its intended outcomes.

Price: $297

Mission, Vision & Core Values Creation

It's all about the "Big Picture," how is yours being painted?

Mission, Vision, Core Values

When used properly mission, vision and values statements can be very powerful tools. They are inspiring words developed by leaders to clearly and concisely convey the purpose, direction and driving forces of their organization.

By creating clear, meaningful and reflective statements, you can powerfully communicate your intentions and motivate and inspire your team to ensure they understand the objectives of the organization, to make consistent everyday decisions and to achieve buy-in to new directions.

Your team members will gain a sense of pride in working as part of an organization that stands for something and are united by a common sense of purpose. Let our program help you get this done right!

Price: $297

Creating Goals For Your Culture

Successful companies set goals. Period.
They have something to achieve, they have a purpose.

Creating Goals for Your Culture

Business owners should not fear setting goals or projections because there is absolutely no downside to doing so. Also, it is important to remember that goal setting doesn’t have to be only about revenue. It could relate to innovation, employee retention, service offerings, or anything that is important to enhancing your business.

Setting business goals provides your business with a structured framework. It is a skill that assists the company to understand whether the firm is successful or not. A business is likely to meet failure without clearly constructed business goals. Well-defined business goals provide a detailed guideline to everyone involved with the company.

Our program will get you moving on creating your goals!

Price: $297